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Things made visible — works 2011-2013
Dirk Slootmaekers

In daily life we are surrounded by things. 

Most of these things have lost their individuality and are as such reduced to their function. This book attempts to look closely at things.

Two categories are discerned: selfmade things (art) and things found in reality (constellations). A classification is proposed where things are either isolated or related to other things, words or people.

This way of showing things must not be understood as a new way of mystification but rather as an attempt to let things speak for themselves. The experimental set-up aims at awakening us for the inconsistencies of our constructed worlds. Reality then seems richer, funnier and, above all, more real than is experienced at a glance.  

112 p — 288 colour illustrations.
Perfect bound. Soft cover.
ISBN/EAN 9789082108101


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